
A student's transcript is the official school record of 课程

采取, 的成绩获得, standardized test results, 状态 assessment scores, 班级排名, 累积平均绩点, 和考勤. Student records are maintained for the benefit of the student. They are used for promotion, 指令, 职业发展, 的指导方针, and the educational progress of the student. Student transcripts are available to a student, their parent/legal guardian when requested and to local, 状态, and federal agencies as allowed by law. Student transcripts can only be released with prior written consent from a parent/legal guardian or by the student if they are over the age of 18.



  • 官员: This document contains the official school stamp, is signed by the registrar or other school official and is sealed in an envelope. 学校 and colleges typically request official transcripts.

  • 非官方的: This is a copy of a transcript that is not signed, stamped or sealed. Scholarships typically request unofficial transcript copies.


Requesting a transcript:

A transcript may be requested by the person whose record it is if over the age of 18 and if under, by the parent/legal guardian. Students 18 or older must sign their own release; legally, a parent may NOT do so.


Students who currently attend OCHS:

  • 非官方的成绩单: To view and print your unofficial transcript, please log into StudentVue and go to the Documents 选项卡.

  • 官方成绩单: If you need an official copy of your transcript, please click 请求记录 and you will be redirected to a google form to complete your request. Please allow up to 24 hours to process your request. There is no processing fee for students who are currently attending OCHS. If you are not currently enrolled at OCHS, there is a fee of $5 per copy. 

    Naviance: Current seniors (12th grade) applying to colleges should request their transcripts through Naviance. For more information about this, please visit the how-to 网站 或者和你的 辅导员.

    当然历史: You can view up-to-date grades, 课程, 学分, 的平均成绩, 类排名, essential skills and graduation requirements by logging into StudentVue 然后点击 历史课程 选项卡. 

    成绩单: To view and print report cards and progress reports, please login StudentVue 然后点击 成绩单 option.

Graduates or Former Students:

  • 记录要求:To request an official or unofficial transcript for a college or university, 潜在的工作, 军事, 或者为你自己:

    1.    Print, complete, and sign the Transcript Request Form.

    2.    Mail your completed form to: 俄勒冈市高中, Attn: Accounting Office,19761 S. Beavercreek Road, Oregon City OR 97045.  请包括5美元.00英镑的费用 每一个 复制请求. Requests will not be processed without payment or drop off your completed form with payment to the OCHS Accounting Department. 

  • 文凭:  OCHS does not retain copies of diplomas, 然而, according to Oregon State Retention Rules, we do keep copies of transcripts which includeyour graduation date.  Please refer to the transcript request 指令s.

学生或校友 who did not attend or graduate from OCHS:

学生或校友, who attend or graduated from other schools within Oregon City School District, please contact those schools directly to request your transcripts:


Military Recruiters, Attorneys, Employers, and all other Agencies:

To verify dates of enrollment or graduation dates, please fax or email your request with a release signed by the individual whose information is being requested. If you do not have a release for this information, please utilize the FERPA同意 下面的形式. The responses to the requested information can be mailed or faxed only, not emailed. Please note that we do not use social security numbers for identification so we request that you do not include that information with your requests. Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing and mailing plus more during the beginning and end of 每一个 school year.

Questions regarding transcripts may be directed to:

克里斯塔 Tester,  Registrar


传真 :            503年.785.8576

电子邮件:     克里斯塔.Tester@orecity.k12.or.us


学校 requesting student’s permanent records (CUM, Health, Behavior): If a student recently transferred to your school and you would like to request their files, fax your records to request (503) 785-8760. Please allow 10 days to process your request. Questions regarding student files or records can be directed to:

克里斯塔 Tester,  Registrar
传真 :            503年.785.8576
电子邮件:      克里斯塔.Tester@orecity.k12.or.us